Art & Brunch at Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza tickets

Art & Brunch at Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza tickets

Free cancellation
Mobile voucher accepted
Validity: Flexible
Why you’ll love this…
  • Enjoy a gourmet set menu
  • Combine a visit to the permanent and temporary exhibitions with a delicious brunch
  • Includes all entrance tickets so that you can book everything together
What to expect

Experience the Museo Thyssen with all five senses: the new Art & Brunch experience is a combination that allows you to enjoy a delicious brunch on Sunday from 11 am to 1 pm.

Art and gastronomy come together allowing you to round off your visit to the museum with a full array of flavours, which begin with a pastry basket and a selection of bread as well as a delicious yogurt with dried and lyophilized fruits, fresh fruit and cold cuts, including delicacies such as Iberian pork shoulder and Mortadella Bologna. Fresh tomato, artisan marmalade, butter, olive oil and honey Fresh orange juice, coffee or tea

Choose from a main dish of eggs Benedict with sautéed tender leaf spinach and mushrooms, smoked salmon and Béarnaise sauce; toasted focaccia with lacón, San Simón cheese, truffle cream and rocket; or a burger bun filled with beef, pickles, Cheddar cheese and barbecue sauce. Other options, at an extra cost of two euros, include Sloppy Joe eggs (scrambled eggs on a waffle with beef ragu and Parmesan cheese) or a delicious Karaage open sandwich (diced chicken and guacamole on a slice of puff pastry bread).

The Thyssen will be a new temple of gastronomy for foodie art lovers, where you can enjoy a gourmet set menu while also attending one of the greatest events to celebrate the Year of Picasso and the 50th anniversary of the artist's death: the Picasso/Chanel exhibition.

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What's included
  • check Access to the Permanent Collection
  • check Access to the temporary exhibitions
  • check Brunch at La Cafetería del Thyssen from 11 am to 1 pm

Paseo del Prado, 8, Madrid, Spain

Meeting point:
Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza. Metro: Banco de España. Buses: 1, 2, 5, 9, 10, 14, 15, 20, 27, 34, 37, 45, 51, 52, 53, 74, 146 and 150. Train: Estaciones de Atocha, Sol and Recoletos.Paseo del Prado, 8, 28014 Madrid, Spain
What to remember

Know in advance:

Includes access to:

  • Permanent Collection
  • Carmen Thyssen Collection
  • Guardi and Venice in the Collection of the Gulbenkian Museum (from 3 February to 11 May 2025)
  • Marina Vargas: Revelations (from 10 February to 4 May 2025)
  • Brunch on Las Terrazas del Thyssen from 11 am to 1 pm. See the menu here
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Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza
Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 24 hours before the experience begins.

What people say about this experience

At the moment there are no reviews for this experience.

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